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over the counter (otc)中文是什么意思

用"over the counter (otc)"造句"over the counter (otc)"怎么读"over the counter (otc)" in a sentence


  • 非处方药
  • 柜台市场


  • The foreign exchange market is over the counter ( otc ) or interbank market because foreign currency is traded through phone or electronic trading net in fact , the trading of foreign currency does not like stock trade , it is not intensive trading in exchange center
    外汇交易市场是一个超柜台( otc )或“银行内部”交易市场,因为事实上外汇交易是交易双方通过电话或者一个电子交易网络而达成的,外汇交易不象股票和期货交易市场那样,不是集中在某一个交易所里进行的。
用"over the counter (otc)"造句  
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